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Oct 9, 20222 min read
Public Opinion and the 'Energy Crisis'
New YouGov tracker data reveals that Britons are increasingly supportive of nuclear energy, even though perceptions of its safety remain...

Aug 14, 20224 min read
Why nuclear energy is not the answer to our energy crisis
Since the publication of the UK’s so called energy strategy back in April 2022 there have been major developments in the nuclear sector,...

Apr 25, 20228 min read
How 'Green' is Nuclear Power?
I started considering this issue last year, prompted by reports of Green Party members and others who were suggesting that nuclear power...

Dec 1, 20214 min read
How Green is your Christmas Tree?
While some revel in the scent of a real tree and the joy of picking one out at a local garden centre others prefer the simplicity of...

Oct 27, 20215 min read
Nuclear Power 40 Years On
- By Sheila Durie, author of 'Fuelling the Nuclear Arms Race: The Links Between Nuclear Power and Nuclear Weapons' (Pluto Press. 1982)....
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