Thanks to Scout Leader Colin Caroll for inviting us to deliver a bird box-building workshop at East Linton Community Hall yesterday to help the Scouts achieve their DIY and Environmental Conservation badges...
Jennifer gave a brief introduction to Fixing for a Future, talking about our Tool Library, Repair Café and the aims of the project to reduce waste and reuse materials wherever we can.
Then it was on to the important health and safety details. What kind of incidents can occur when using hammers and staple guns to make bird boxes?
"Before we get started, here's one we made earlier"......
Martin and Brian offer advice and guidance on how best to tackle the task of attaching sides to backs to fronts to tops...
The results - three beautiful bird boxes!
And then onto our multiple choice answer bird knowledge quiz. Brian is in his element.
We all had a fabulous, fun and fact-filled time!
Thank you to our volunteers Brian, Martin A, Jennifer, Liz and Martin J for all your work preparing for and running this wonderful workshop.
(The answer is the hummingbird!)